February 22, 2009


Don't hesitate to react. Send comments, pictures, videos, audios...

write us at camerawar@gmail.com


  1. Good one. I see you got my friend Johnny Z in this one! Awesome. This particular film could be made longer, and potentially commercial. :-) Maybe sell it to a big corporation. ;-)

  2. Mohawk valley where the sky is allways gray. This area has three types of settings where social interaction is possible. The dominant two are the religious kind and the taproom kind. Unfortunately these types of settings tend to inhibit intellectual process, so it is natural that the intellectually curious hold on to the coffee shop in the clip (third type of setting) as their last island of solid ground. I am visiting Utica and I know, I will be in there too, holding on to my coffee cup just to prevent a sudden oncoming of a comatse state. In places like this, you have to stick with the stimulants.


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